India is an Agriculture-based country, where about 70 % people are directly & indirectly involved in agriculture & allied business. To increase higher productivity & fulfill the demand, it needs extension of modern technology, availability & distribution of quality seeds fertilizer & pesticides. In keeping view of this, Budladia group started business in 1975 to provide seeds fertilizer & pesticides to the farmers at a reasonable prices. Budladia group is working in different areas of agriculture fields. As a result of continuous upgradation research and development the group is growing successfully. All the efforts of this group will be for making India Developed Nation.
Under the flagship of Budladia group, Darrick Insecticides Ltd. was promoted in 1995 by the Industrialist Sh. A.K.Bansal (Chairman) having 40 years experience in formulation & marketing of various agro products. Now, supported by Mr. Prem Kumar Bansal (Managing Director) having 30 years experience of this field.
Establishing of this group is a result of our Distributor/ Dealers / Farmer’s devotion and co – operation of factory, office & marketing staff.
Darrick Insecticides Ltd. was promoted in 1995 as a result of continuous upgradation the group has now become a major player in agro industries having factories at Bahadurgarh (Haryana) and Kathua (J&K) with well equipped plant with production capacity of 100 KL liquid & 50 MT granuals per day in both units.
The company has also obtained ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 with a range of more than 200 products like pesticides, Bio fertilizers, Seeds. More than 20 new molecules are under pipeline. Some products are registered as per Bureau of Indian Standards (ISI).
The company has achieved the sale turnover of 900 Millions in F.Y 2018-19 & projected 1250 millions for coming 2 years.
In order to increase our prospective customers and to maintain our competitive edge over other market players we are using almost all types of medium like T.V., radio and print media. In this way, we try to promote use of our brands to the remotest area. To improve our customer services we have implemented many planning tools under the guidance of Sh. Deepak Bansal & Sh. Ravi Bansal, Directors of the company. Our Corporate office, Factories, Branch office & Depot are constantly connected with each other for best response to our Distributors / Dealers & Farmer's demand. Our network spread out across 500 cities of Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan Gujrat, , Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir.
Having more than 3000 dedicated distributors and dealers, a team of 20 Manager (Sales) / Area Sales Managers & more than 150 marketing professionals & field assistance with vehicle & mobile facility are working for better services to distributors, dealers & farmers to develop an integrate effective two way communication.
Human resource is an important constituent of any commercial/ Non-commercial organization. It is the only resource which translate activities into action and bridges the gap between ‘where we are’ and ‘where we want to go’. The company has environment of learning & innovation.
For valued customers of the company we have made a five family members club, in which twice a year tour is organized at hill stations/ tourist spots for mutual understandings. To create work opportunities with modern technologies through training and skills to our marketing, factory and official staff. To optimize HRD in Darrick the following activities are undertaken in rational and sysmatic manner:-
-- Recruitment and selection of optional HR.
-- Adequate remuneration and incentive schemes.
-- Training and development.
-- Building harmonious Employer – Employee relation.
R & D
To create needs of constant innovation the company has established a dedicated R & D center at Bahadurgarh (Haryana). It focuses on high value added comply new molecules for introduction in generic market. The R & D department is running under the guidance of Sh. Vikram Singh Post graduate in chemistry having 30 years of rich experience of manufacturing and formulation with a team of trained technicians and scientist with laboratory equipments having HPLC and GLC and latest analystic instruments. Sharing our knowledge for upcoming challenges in agriculture field always keeping in touch with agriculture universities of different states.
R & D Objectives:-
-- Replacement of Solvents.
-- Maximise Utilisation indigenous raw material and imports substitution.
-- Upgradation of indigenous and foreign technologies.
-- Drive to save environment.
We believe in “Quality build the Brand and Brand capture the market”. Quality Management department is running under guidance of Sh. Prem Kumar Bansal and Sh. Ravinder Kumar Bansal. All the technicals, solvents and packing materials are tested at the time of receipts. Only satisfactory material as per Bureau of Indian Standards (if available) is accepted and issued for production. Batch wise samples are tested by HPLC, GLC and chemical methods, and then are released for packing.
Senior Officer (Q.C.) Mr. Sumit Tyagi at Kathua once again test the material. After dual verification and testing of finish goods by the team of professionals is done in all respects. Then issued for branches.
Driven by its spirit for innovation, Darrick has established a multifaced brand Safeguard TC. This provides holistic solution for various application in fields as well as home environment. The company as also diversified into the home care product range like mosquitoes repetents oil and vaporizers etc. Having products for termicides problems Chloropyrifos 20 % EC namely SAFEGUARD TC well known in NCT of Delhi.
This is a new generation ready to use insecticides, which provides complete protection of your home from termite and borers. It has now become a leading brand in its category. It work very effectively for a long period and acts as a protective and anti termite chemical on all kinds of wood.
Company has also launched its mosquitoes repellant mats under Trade Name “SWEET NIGHT” which is well accepted in market.
The company’s Accounts, Finance and Planning Department is running under the guidance of CA Prem Kumar Bansal (FCA) having a rich experience of 30 years in Agro Industry with Sh. Kamal Kr. Agarwal (Commerce Post Graduate) is working as Manager Accounts since the day of incorporation of the company with well experienced and qualified EDP Deptt. and other professionals. |